Women’s Health

  • The Best 5 Herbs for PCOS

    Let’s talk about the best 5 herbs for PCOS. If you’re struggling with PCOS symptoms like an irregular cycles, acne, or sugar cravings? Certain herbs can help balance hormones, support ovulation, and improve insulin sensitivity naturally. Examples include spearmint for lowering androgens and Gmnema for blood sugar control, these natural remedies may be the missing piece in your PCOS journey.

    Herbs can help you:

    1. 1. Establish a regular cycle by improving ovulation
    2. 2. Help with acne, unwanted hair growth and thinking hair by lowering serum testosterone 
    3. 3. Help weight loss by reducing insulin sensitivity

    Black Cohosh

    Black Cohosh can help suppress lutenising hormone (LH) which can be elevated in PCOS. Elevated LH can lead to increased testosterone production and associated symptoms like hirsutism (excess facial and body hair), acne, scalp hair thinning, oily skin, and irregular cycles.

    Contraindications: History of migraines or severe headaches: Introduce black cohosh slowly.


    Spearmint may help reduce androgen levels, alleviating symptoms like hirsutism (excess facial and body hair), acne, scalp hair thinning, oily skin, and irregular cycles in women with PCOS. Lower androgens can also support overall skin and hair health.

    Recommended Dosage: 2-3 cups of strong spearmint tea per day.

    Contraindications: Potential issues for individuals with LH dominance

    Saw Palmetto

    Saw palmetto is a herb that can help manage PCOS symptoms by acting as a natural anti-androgen. It works by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into its more potent form, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This can help reduce symptoms of hirsutism (excess facial and body hair), acne, and scalp hair thinning associated with high androgen levels in PCOS.


    Gymnema is a herb known for its blood sugar-lowering and insulin-sensitizing effects, making it beneficial for women with PCOS-related insulin resistance. It works by improving glucose metabolism, enhancing insulin function, and reducing sugar cravings, which can help with weight management and blood sugar control—key factors in managing PCOS symptoms.

    Caution: If already taking metformin or myo-inositol it’s best to seek medical advice.


    Licorice & Peony

    Together licorice and peony can help lower testosterone, increase estrogen, reduce prolactin, and balance LH and FSH levels. This helps reduce acne and facial hair, support ovulation and fertility, regulate cycles, and improve hair growth.

    Contraindications: cases of high blood pressure and elevated cortisol levels.

    Need more help?

    Incorporating the right herbs into your routine can be a powerful way to support your PCOS symptoms naturally. However, every person’s body is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. If you’re considering herbal support, it’s always best to test first, to see if your luteising hormone is elevated. From this you can then determine if black cohosh is the best herb for you!

    If you need help book in for a consultation so we can find the right approach for you. Have you tried any of these herbs for PCOS? Share your experience in the comments below, and don’t forget to pass this along to someone who might find it helpful.

    Herbs for PCOS

    Need help choosing the best Naturopath approved prenatal Supplement for PCOS?

    Download my 20 page guide that gives the 3 key ingredients that I look for in a prenatal for those with PCOS! I also give you step by-step instructions to ensure you know how much folate your prenatal contains.

    Download your copy today!

    How to Choose the Best Prenatal for PCOS
    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • How a IVF Naturopath in Brisbane can help your IVF success

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    Wondering how a IVF Naturopath in Brisbane can help your IVF success? We’re so lucky to have IVF, and the average IVF live birth rate per single initiated cycle is still only 30%. Let’s face it, IVF is expensive. I find people are wanting to do everything possible to improve their chances of going home with a baby. That’s where an IVF Naturopath in Brisbane can come in very handy!

    From being in clinical practice, I have been the benefits of using both naturopathic medicine along side IVF can have. In come cases we can achieve better egg numbers at harvest, higher fertilisation rates, more day 5 blastocysts, and higher clinical pregnancy rates.

    This highlights the importance of Naturopathic Medicine during IVF. Earlier this week I was asked how I help people as an IVF Naturopath. I thought it was such a great question! There are several ways I help couples and individuals doing IVF. Mostly it depends on your fertility and individual health. Today I’m going to cover a few ways of how I help those with endometriosis doing IVF as it’s very common. This is definitely not an exhaustive list, as we know that endometriosis and the female reproductive system is very complex!

    There are 5 key points in which a IVF Naturopath can help:

    1. 1. Preconception care

    Endometriosis affects egg quality so this enhancing this is top priority in the 3 months leading up to egg collection. Here we focus on nutrition, lifestyle, and specific supplements based on your individual pathology results. Preconception care also focuses on as supporting you body to function optimally heading into a IVF cycle. This is so it can deal with the IVF medications and improve pregnancy outcomes.

    This looks like investigating and optimising hormones including insulin, oestrogen detoxification, thyroid function, and micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, B12 and folate.

    1. 2. Help maintain quality of eggs during STIMs cycle

    During this stage of IVF It’s important to focus on increasing follicular fluid concentrations of antioxidants & nutrients known to influence egg quality. One of the biggest challenges with IVF is creating good quality embryos. This relates back to egg and sperm quality. Here we create an individual plan with dietary, lifestyle and supplementation protocol for this 10ish days.

    1. 3. Oestrogen detoxification support

    IVF stimulation cycle medications exacerbate endometriosis. Your levels of oestrogen can rise to be 40 x the amount we’d normally see in the first part of your cycle. In-between egg pick up and a fresh transfer we want to quickly support oestrogen detoxification to help implantation of an embryo. If there are higher levels of oestrogen, even with adequate levels of progesterone, it can inhibit the embryo from implanting in the uterus lining. We want to balance the hormone levels to encourage the embryo to stick.

    1. 4. Improve endometrial receptivity and progesterone production

    After an embryo transfer, we want to encourage the embryo to implant in the uterus for the pregnancy to continue. Here we focus on anti-spasmodic herbs, blood building, and anti-clotting herbs, and immune modulating herbs. Poor blood flow, clotting, dysbiosis, and high natural killer cells at the uterine lining can impact an embryo implanting. During the 2 week wait, after an embryo has been transferred, we also want to focus on increasing production of your own progesterone. Low progesterone can contribute to unsuccess implantation and early miscarriage. Encouraging the production of your own progesterone is important as oral or pessary progesterone may not be enough.

    1. 5. Improve pregnancy outcomes with a IVF Naturopath in Brisbane

    If an IVF round is successful there is important areas to support to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. These revolve around supporting correct placenta development, which is impacted by inflammation, oxidisation, uterine dysbiosis that can affect implantation as discussed above. What you may not know is that when an embryo doesn’t implant far enough into the uterine lining it can compromise the growth of the placenta. This can restrict blood flow to your baby and contribute to pre-eclampsia later in pregnancy.

    It’s important to remember that IVF cannot over-come certain barriers to getting pregnant. These include compromised egg and sperm DNA fragmentation, thyroid dysfunction, poor metabolic health, or nutrient deficiencies. While it’s amazing that we have such advanced reproductive technology preconception care is still so important and also improves outcomes.

    If you’re looking for a IVF Naturopath in Brisbane (or via Telehealth) to help you with your IVF success get in touch today or book an appointment now. My highly recommended Enhance your Fertility Package is best for those going through IVF. You get the most support which is vital to IVF success.

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • Is Elevit A Good Prenatal? Find The Answer Here..

    How to get pregnant

    Is Elevit A good Prenatal?...

    Is Elevit a good prenatal? The other week I shared my unpopular opinion about one of the top recommended prenatal supplements, and boy were people divided! Some couldn’t agree more, yet others thought I was crazy for saying such a thing! I also got lots of questions about which prenatal I recommend as a Fertility Naturopath

    What this signifies to me is that there is a need for more education about the quality and importance of particular ingredients in prenatal supplements. Not sure you even need a prenatal vitamin? Read my blog about that here.

    So, here’s my unpopular opinion to the question, is Elevit a good prenatal?

    The top 3 reasons why I don’t recommend the prenatal Elevit:

    1. 1. Quality of ingredients
    2. 2. Counting fillers/binders as active ingredients
    3. 3. Missing beneficial nutrients for preconception and pregnancy

    1. Quality of Ingredients:


    Elevit is formulated with folic acid. Folic acid is important for a healthy pregnancy and to reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects. The problem I see most frequently in clinical practice is that some people cannot metabolise folic acid to the more active formed used by the body methyl-folate. This means that some women aren’t able to convert the folic acid used in Elevit (and other prenatal brands such as Blackmores, and Natalis).

    Not having enough Methyl-folate can result in:

    • – Infertility
    • – Poor egg quality
    • – Recurrent miscarriages
    • – Preeclampsia
    • – Increased risk of neural tube defects
    • – Unsuccessful IVF rounds

    Vitamin B12

    In addition to this, Elevit is also formulated with a form of B12 called cyanocobalamin. This is a synthetic form of B12 that occurs only in trace amounts in human tissues. This form of B12 takes many steps for the body to utilise the B12 and depending on your genetics, this may not be done well meaning you can have less active B12 which is important for fertility.

    Research has found that women undergoing IVF who were supplemented with methyl-folate and vitamin B12, had higher rates of pregnancy and live birth when compared to those supplemented with only folic acid. The study doesn’t state what type of vitamin B12 was used. But it’s definitely a step in the right direction to bring more understanding of how methylated folate can be beneficial in cases of infertility.

    Is Elevit a Good Prenatal?

    2. Counting binders as active ingredients

    When looking at the ingredients list of Elevit, I noticed that in addition to using a poorly absorbed form of magnesium (magnesium oxide), magnesium stearate was also being counted towards the total magnesium content. 

    Magnesium stearate is common capsule filler that you find in a lot of supplements. It’s used to prevent the individual ingredients in a capsule from sticking to each other.

    The issue is it has no biological affect within the body. So you think you’re consuming magnesium but really it doesn’t have any positive affects in the body. Essentially you’re paying to consume a cheap filler that is not a good quality form of magnesium.

    3. Missing beneficial nutrients for preconception and pregnancy

    Elevit is missing one important nutrient that is vital for pregnancy, It doesn’t contain choline. Choline is involved with all stages of early reproduction, from basic fertility and egg health, to specifically supporting fertilization and implantation. It is also important for babies’ tissue and brain development.

    A recent research article from 2019 acknowledges the importance of choline in pregnancy and notes that most women (in the US) aren’t meeting the recommended dietary intake of choline, 450 mg per day. While I’ll give it to Elevit, they do sell a seperate choline supplement, I do think it’s a good idea to have a small amount include in the prenatal vitamin itself.

    My Most recommend Prenatal in Clinical Practice

    So here I’ve touched on 3 keys points to answer the question, is Elevit a good prenatal? There are a few other things to consider, but let’s leave those for another day! Instead, let’s talk about my most recommend good quality prenatal vitamin. 

    The prenatal that I recommend the most is Naturobests Women’s Prenatal.  This is because it contains good quality forms of methyl-folate, B12, and magnesium. It also contains choline, Co-Q 10 and other vital antioxidants which are important for improving egg quality and reducing the risk of pregnancy loss. More importantly you don’t need to be working with a Naturopath or Nutritionist to buy it. I love it so much that I decided to add it to my online store!

    I hope you learnt something from this article and hope you can now answer the question is Elevit a good quality prenatal all by yourself!

    If you’re thinking of working with me to improve your hormones and fertility, then you can book in for a complimentary 10 minute consultation and ask me all your questions about working together. 

    Need help choosing the best Naturopath prenatal Supplement for PCOS?

    Download my 20 page guide that gives the 3 key ingredients that I look for in a prenatal for those with PCOS! I also give you step by-step instructions to ensure you know how much folate your prenatal contains.

    Download today!

    How to Choose the Best Prenatal for PCOS

    P.S. If you’re already pregnant and want a better prenatal vitamin, then try Naturobest’s Prenatal Trimester One with Ginger or Naturobest’s Prenatal Trimester 2 & 3 Plus Breastfeeding. 

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • Your Guide on How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    Your Guide on How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

    As a woman, you know the importance of progesterone. It’s often called the “pregnancy hormone” because it’s required for optimal fertility and helps to maintain a healthy pregnancy. What you may not know is that low levels of progesterone can also cause symptoms like irregular and heavy periods, PMS, PMDD, androgen excess, and migraines. Luckily, there are some simple ways to increase your progesterone naturally.

    What is progesterone?

    Progesterone is a hormone that prepares the uterus for pregnancy, allowing an embryo to implant after it’s been fertilised. Progesterone is produced after ovulation, that is once the egg has been released from the ovary. This is then known as the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. About 36 hours after ovulation progesterone will increase basal body temperature. If you are not pregnant, progesterone levels will drop 12-14 days after ovulation and cause your bleed to begin. 

    Progesterone really helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. That’s why women with PCOS have an irregular cycle, because they do not ovulate regularly. Progesterone also has other important functions, it helps support healthy bones, muscles, and heart and brain function. 

    What are symptoms of low progesterone levels?

    If you don’t ovulate regularly or have low progesterone, it can cause:

    • – Irregular periods or no period at all
    • – Spotting before your period
    • – Infertility
    • – Miscarriage
    • – PMS
    • – PMDD
    • – Depression
    • – Anxiety
    • – Brain fog (a lack of mental clarity)
    • – Weight gain
    • – Carbohydrate cravings
    • – Breast tenderness

    Looking for other causes of infertility? Check out my 4 causes of infertility article. 

    Increase Progesterone Naturally

    What is an optimal level of progesterone?

    If you want to know how do I increase my progesterone levels? First we need to know what an optimal level of progesterone is. The optimal amount of progesterone varies from person to person but in clinical practice I look at ranges above >4 nmol/L to confirm that you have ovulated that cycle. With regards to fertility, I’m looking for a minimum of 30 nmol/L of progesterone to be able to support a pregnancy. If you have low levels then there are things you can do to increase them naturally. Click here to read more about hormone test results.

    How do I increase my progesterone naturally?

    If you have low progesterone levels and want to increase them naturally, there are a few things you can do.

    First off, Vitex, otherwise known as Chaste Tree Berry, is one of my go-to herbs when increasing progesterone, BUT it is not for everyone. Once I have tested my clients hormones I will know if vitex is the right herb for them. This is because in addition to increasing progesterone, vitex can also increase oestrogen. This is an issue if you already have high oestrogen. 

    Second: Flax seeds are an amazing dietary strategy that that help increase your progesterone levels. Flax seeds contain lignans, lignans have been associated with improvement in increased progesterone and luteal phase length. Aim to consume 30 grams a day of freshly ground flax seeds for best results. 

    Thirdly: Implement stress management techniques weekly. This can include techniques like exercise, journalling, breath works, meditation, gardening, crocheting, or anything that relaxes your nervous system and centres your thoughts. This is because stress negatively impacts your progesterone levels in several ways. Through increasing cortisol and prolactin, and decreased lutenizing hormone.

    Lastly: Add some omega 3’s to your diet! Long chain omega 3’s (EPA and DHA) from either fish or algae supplementation can have beneficial affects on your hormones and progesterone levels. Research shows that omega 3’s decrease the risk of not ovulating and are also associated with higher concentrations of progesterone. Many people don’t eat enough fish, if this is something that doesn’t appeal to you, then I suggest taking a good quality supplement.

    Now you know how to increase your progesterone naturally!

    Progesterone also plays an important role in regulating menstrual cycles, fertility, and pregnancy. If you have low progesterone levels then this can cause symptoms such as PMS, PMDD, infertility, and  miscarriage. If you’re looking for help with how to understand your hormone levels then book in for a 1:1 consultation so you can start improving your hormone health today. 

    Need help choosing the best Naturopath prenatal Supplement for PCOS?

    Download my 20 page guide that gives the 3 key ingredients that I look for in a prenatal for those with PCOS! I also give you step by-step instructions to ensure you know how much folate your prenatal contains.

    Download today!

    How to Choose the Best Prenatal for PCOS
    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • The Top 5 Pillars of Hormone Health

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    What are the Top 5 Pillars of Hormone Health?

    With the increasing number of hormone imbalances such as PCOS, hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Premature Ovarian insufficiency, and PMS and PMDD, It’s important to understand what influences your hormone health. Today, I’m going to tell you about 5 pillars of hormone health, which will ultimately give you to tools to be able to change your hormone health in a positive way. 


    The first pillar of hormone health is nutrition. It’s important to eat a balanced diet and make sure you’re getting enough fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats and protein. Aim for whole foods rather than processed foods, which are often high in added sugar or artificial ingredients that can adversely affect your hormones.

    I frequently see women with hormone imbalances who don’t get enough fibre in their diets, and fibre is important for oestrogen detoxification! If you aren’t eating enough fibre (25 grams per day), this could cause an imbalance with oestrogen because it is not being detoxified correctly. Rather, it is being reabsorbed from the intestines and goes back into the body’s oestrogen pool. This can lead to symptoms like bloating, carbohydrate cravings, breast tenderness and more serious things like endometriosis if left untreated over time.


    Sleep is a critical pillar of hormone health. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it can have a negative impact on your hormones. Women with low quality sleep have lower rates of fertility than those getting adequate rest. This is because not getting enough sleep disrupts ovulation from occurring. 

    When you don’t get enough sleep long-term this can start to impact different hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone, lutenizing hormone (FSH), follicle stimulating hormone (LH) and prolactin. When all of these hormones are out of balance symptoms such as an irregular cycle, heavy or light bleeding, spotting, mood changes, PMS, and infertility can occur. 

    I suggest you aim for 7-9 hours of sleep as many nights as possible and to have a sleep hygiene routine. If you’re looking to read more about how a Fertility Naturopath can help you get pregnant then click here.

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

    Stress Management

    Stress is the third pillar from the 5 pillars of hormone health. We know stress is a normal part of life, but chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances. Stressors include things like work related difficulties, financial stress, and it can also include the way we think and feel about ourself too.

    When you’re feeling stressed out, your body releases cortisol. While cortisol is an important hormone for helping us adapt to stressful situations, too much can create problems with your hormones. This is because stress can disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis that controls the regulations of oestrogen and progesterone. When these hormones are out of balance it can impact our fertility.

    It can also impact our sleep, food choices, energy, and how we show up for ourselves. You can start to see how these 5 pillars of hormone relate to and affect to each other.

    Positive self talk

    You might not necessarily identify Positive self talk as an important pillar of hormone health. Yet the way we talk to ourselves can impact our hormone health, and our hormones can impact the way we feel about ourselves.

    If you’re constantly telling yourself that “you’ll never be able to do that” or “you’re not good enough” or “I can’t believe you failed again” then your mind will follow those thoughts and actions by default. This can then impact the way you feel about yourself which can alter our stress hormones, food choices, energy, and confidence. These are all critical elements you need to create positive change in your life when creating new habits that support our hormones. 

    If this sounds familiar, don’t worry! You can change it by practicing positive self talk on a daily basis until it becomes habituated in the same way negative thinking has become over time (it may take longer than a week). 

    Environmental health

    Environmental health is another important pillar of the 5 pillars of hormone health. The environment around us plays a huge role in how well our bodies function. The air we breathe, the water and food we consume, and even our homes all affect how well our hormonal systems work. If you come into contact with lots of plastic and man-made chemicals (like pesticides and fragrances), this will have an impact on your hormones as well as your fertility. It’s important to be aware of what types of things are going into our environment so that we can make informed decisions about what products we use at home (for example: cleaning products).

    I was recently interviewed on a podcast about endocrine disrupting chemicals. You can listen to it here.

    Being aware of the 5 pillars of hormone health will help you maintain your hormones and fertility

    Nutrition, sleep, stress management, positive self talk and environmental health all influence your hormones. I hope you’ve found this article helpful in understanding the importance of hormone health and some tips on how you can help improve your hormones and fertility. If you are looking for more information on optimal hormones, you can check out my optimal hormone guide here.

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • Female Hormone Blood Test Results Explained

    What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): A Naturopath’s Guide

    Female Hormone Blood Test Results Explained

    Ever wanted your female hormone blood test results explained? If that sounds like you then keep reading. I’m SO excited for two big announcements from the Lesley O’Connor Naturopath Clinic!

    The first announcement is that I have released my first online digital product, the Optimal Hormone Pathology Cheat Sheet. It’s available for purchase in my online store! If you’ve every felt confused about your hormone results then this one it for you. 

    I’ve made this as an option for women to be able to assess their own female hormone blood test results. I frequently see women that feel overwhelmed and helpless when it comes to their hormones.

    The typical situation that I hear about is that women go to their primary healthcare provider. They have all of the hormone symptoms and end up getting a blood tests. When they get the results they told that they’re ‘all normal’ even though the symptoms are still there.

    I know that this can cause so much confusion and heartache, because all you want is answers.  If this sounds like you can definitely check out my optimal home and pathology cheat sheet below. I’ll list the hormones that are included.

    The cheat sheet includes optimal pathology ranges of the following Female Hormone Blood Tests:

    • Lutenizing Hormones*
    • Follicle Stimulating Hormone*
    • Oestrogen (E2)*
    • Progesterone*
    • Prolactin
    • SHBG
    • DHEA-s
    • Androstenedione
    • Testosterone
    • Free Calculates Testosterone
    • Cortisol
    • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
    • T4
    • T3
    • Fasting Insulin

    *Please note these ranges are for female hormones blood tests on cycle day 2 or cycle day 7 days post ovulation.

    Want to learn more about how I can support you with your hormones and fertility? Click here.

    Typical Hormone Profile

    New Pathology Analysis Service

    The second exciting announcement I have is that I have released a new service! It’s the new pathology analysis service it’s for people who already have blood tests and who want them analysed with optimal, pathology ranges. The service also comes with a comprehensive treatment plan with recommendations for dietary advice, and nutrition and herbal supplements.

    This service is best for people who have had blood test taken within the last three months. If you don’t have any recent blood, then don’t worry there is a site I recommend where you can get comprehensive female hormone blood test without seeing a doctor.

    Take a look at my new Optimal Hormone Pathology Cheat Sheet and the new Pathology Analysis Service! If you have any questions let me know below!

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • Case Study: Is It Really Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

    Is it really Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

    Last week, I hosted a complex hormone workshop for some students that I mentor. We discussed a complex ‘Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)’ case study where no one could find the rot cause of the client’s symptoms (irregular cycles, acne, and weight gain). Things weren’t adding up.

    That is, until I helped the students to break down

    • The tests we had from her doctor
    • Tests we needed to complete the picture
    • Standard vs optimal blood results
    • How to interpret blood test results correctly

    From this it was clear that the cause of irregular cycles, acne, weight gain was not caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). But rather, high prolactin.

    This is just one example, I frequently have women in my clinic who tell me they’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, but when we really unpack the case 50% of the time they leave knowing they don’t have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and know exactly what is driving their hormone imbalances!

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

    Why is this happening?

    From this, it’s becoming clear that PCOS is becoming a ‘catch all’ for complex hormonal conditions when really doctors such be saying – “I’m not really sure” or “we need to investigate this further”. But instead it’s easier to give a PCOS label and move on!

    So why is this happening?

    • Medicare constrains limit what tests doctors can run without being questioned
    • Short consultation times doesn’t allow for proper analysis or education
    • Inadequate education at a tertiary level means some doctor don’t understand complex hormone conditions
    • Different diagnostic criteria that isn’t very clear and can make other similar conditions seem like PCOS

    This is why a Fertility Naturopath is your hormones best friend! I know exactly what tests to run, I have more time to analyse pathology, and I have a better understanding of the complexities of how hormones affect each other! This means I can offer a lot of education to help you understand your body and get to the root cause of your symptoms: have less acne, regular cycles, and loose weight.

    If you’re feeling like you’re not getting answers from your Doctor, if you’re feeling like you don’t understand why certain things are happening and want to re-establish a regular cycle then reach out today!

    If you want to share your story, comment below!

    Lesley O'Connor Naturopath Blog

  • How A PCOS Naturopath in Brisbane Can Help You

    PCOS Naturopath Brisbane

    How A PCOS Naturopath in Brisbane Can Help You.

    Wondering how a PCOS Naturopath in Brisbane can help you? Sound this found familiar? You’ve had these symptoms for awhile, but never been able to get any answers, or maybe no one took you seriously and told you they were all in your head:

    • – Irregular cycles
    • – Persistent Acne
    • – Intense cravings
    • – Easily gain weight and near impossible to lose weight
    • – Low energy and constant fatigue
    • – Crippling anxiety and depression
    • – Trouble sleeping

    Then FINALLY you got a PCOS diagnosis, and you thought you this solved your problem. But really all you got were given was a script for the oral contraceptive pill, or metformin. Or maybe you were told to lose 10% of your body weight and come back. In reality, you’ve been told next to nothing and are leaving with no understand of what’s causing your PCOS or what you can do about it.  

    This is a story I hear all too often in my clinic. Did you know that seeing a PCOS naturopath is one of the best ways to help manage your symptoms? If you’re anything like my other clients then you want help with the following:

    • – To have a regular symptom-free menstrual cycles
    • – Start ovulating again
    • – Feel more vibrant and have more energy
    • – Have more restorative sleep
    • – Reduce cravings
    • – See clear glowing skin and healthy hair
    • – Stable moods
    • – Lose weight for good
    • – Improve fertility
    PCOS Naturopath Brisbane

    Here is how I help women just like you. The first thing I do to help you with your PCOS is to see what the root cause of your PCOS is by testing!

    Testing for PCOS

    We need to run the right tests to figure out what’s driving your PCOS, from this we can create a plan to reduce your symptoms such as irregular cycles, acne, unwanted hair growth, thinning hair, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and poor sleep.

    Here are some of the tests I run for PCOS:

    • – AMH (Anti-mullerian Hormone)
    • – Free Calculated Testosterone
    • – Androstenedione
    • – SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin)
    • – Oestradiol
    • Progesterone
    • – LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
    • – FSH (follicle Stimulating Hormone)
    • – Prolactin
    • – Cortisol
    • – DHEA-s
    • – Fasting Insulin
    • – TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
    • – Free T4
    • – Free T3
    • If you want to know more about these tests then take a look at my new Optimal Hormone Pathology Cheat Sheet. In this cheat sheet you’ll learn about different hormones, what they do, and the optimal ranges that I use in clinical practice!

    Don’t have any recent tests? This is a hormone panel I frequently use in clinical practice. You can also ask your doctor to run some of these test, find out how to ask your doctor for tests here.

    This give me a deep understanding of what is driving your PCOS and then we create an individual treatment plan to address those factors. I frequently use herbs like berberine, nutrients like inositol, and together we can brainstorm lifestyle changes that fit into your routine!

    If you’re looking for a PCOS Naturopath in Brisbane to help you make changes and get on top of your symptoms then book an appointment today! If you to read more on how to get pregnant with help from a Fertility Naturopath read my blog you here, won’t regret it!

    Need help choosing the best Naturopath prenatal Supplement for PCOS?

    Download my 20 page guide that gives the 3 key ingredients that I look for in a prenatal for those with PCOS! I also give you step by-step instructions to ensure you know how much folate your prenatal contains.

    Download today!

    How to Choose the Best Prenatal for PCOS
    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • A Naturopath’s Guide to The Best Prenatal Supplements

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    What is the best Naturopath Prenatal Supplement? This is a question I get asked quite frequently! So, You’ve decided you want to start trying for a baby, naturally the next questions is, which is the best prenatal supplement for me?

    As a Fertility Naturopath, I believe that first and foremost the nutrients we obtain from food are foundational for our fertility. So you might be thinking, do I really need a prenatal vitamin? I like to think of a prenatal supplements as an ‘insurance policy’, in addition to the food we eat.

    The Research on Prenatal Supplements

    Studies on taking multiple micronutrients are still scarce. Research suggests that supplementation before getting pregnant can help restore micronutrient status to recommended levels. Research has shown that prenatal supplements have a beneficial effect on fertility in healthy and infertile women. This includes a shorter time to pregnancy and an increased chance of becoming pregnant.

    Key ingredients to look for in a Naturopath Prenatal Supplement

    Most Naturopath prenatal supplements contain a whole range of nutrients in small amounts. A big portion of the table contains the more well known nutrients like folate (best form is methylfolate), and vitamin B12. Both of these vitamins are critical in preconception and the very early weeks of pregnancy. Aim for a prenatal with 500 mg of methyl-folate and 150 mcg to 250 mcg of active vitamin B12.

    Choline is also another marker of a quality prenatal. Choline is crucial for fertility as it supports the development of healthy eggs and sperm, aids in fetal brain development, and helps regulate hormone levels necessary for reproductive function. Aim to consume 300 mg to 600 mg of choline which means you may need to supplement with additional choline.

    Naturopath prenatal supplements should contain other important nutrients like iodine, which many Australian women are deficient in. Iodine is important for thyroid function and getting pregnant. For the first two trimesters of pregnancy you make the thyroid hormones for both yourself and your baby! So it’s important that you consume nutrients such as iodine, to improve your fertility and reduce the chance of miscarriage. Aim for a prenatal with at least 150 mcg of iodine.

    Another marker of a quality Naturopath prenatal supplement, is that is contains 1000 IU of vitamin DVitamin D is essential for female fertility as it helps regulate hormone levels, supports proper ovarian function, and enhances the health of the uterine lining, facilitating optimal conditions for conception and pregnancy.

    Need help choosing the best Naturopath prenatal Supplement for PCOS?

    Download my 20 page guide that gives the 3 key ingredients that I look for in a prenatal for those with PCOS! I also give you step by-step instructions to ensure you know how much folate your prenatal contains.

    Download today!

    How to Choose the Best Prenatal for PCOS

    Not All Prenatal Supplements Are Created Equally 

    Some companies use very cheap forms of these nutrients that aren’t well absorbed or used by the body. The best example of this is Elevit! While it’s a common prenatal for some health care professional and even influencers to recommend, I can think of at least 3 different brands that are of better quality.

    Looking for a good quality prenatal? Try Naturobest’s Prenatal for Women instead, or looking for a men’s prenatal? Try Naturobest’s Prenatal for Men.

    If you found this blog helpful then let me know in the comments below! If you need more help with your fertility then book in for a consultation today.

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog

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  • September is PCOS Awareness Month

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    It’s PCOS Awareness month!

    PCOS Awareness Month aims to improve the lives of women affected by PCOS and to help them to overcome their symptoms. It’s vital to increase awareness of, and education the general public, women, and healthcare professionals, about PCOS.

    PCOS is a leading cause of infertility in women

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a genetic, metabolic and reproductive condition that most commonly presents as a hormonal disorder in women. It’s one of the leading causes of female infertility and is also a precursor to other conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and endometrial cancer.

    What are the symptoms of PCOS?

    • – Missing or no period
    • – Irregular period, that’s more than 35 days between bleeds
    • – Acne, mainly around the chin and jaw line
    • – Thinning hair on the head
    • – Unwanted hair growth on the face, chest, back
    • – Fatigue and Mood Swings
    • – Trouble getting pregnant
    • – Easily gaining weight
    • – Skin tags
    • – Darkening of the skin
    • – Anxiety and Depression are also very common

    Who can help you with your PCOS?

    A General Practitioner (GP) with an awareness and understanding of PCOS is a great starting point. Also an Endocrinologist or Reproductive Endocrinologist is one of the best specialists to see. Naturopaths are also a great health professional to have in your support team, especially if you’re wanting to get to the root cause of your PCOS and get pregnant naturally

    A recent literature review found that herbal medicines are a cost-effective, efficacious, and a highly esteemed source of management and treatment for PCOS than conventional medicines.

    Did you know that Naturopathy has been found to be one of the best ways to help manage PCOS? There is so much that Naturopath Medicine has to offer women with PCOS. That’s because we look at your health as a whole picture. I always want to treat the root cause of your PCOS and that’s going to look a little different for each person.

    PCOS can greatly impact your life in so many ways. Fertility, mood, energy, and confidence! That’s why it’s important to work with someone who understands PCOS. Sometimes Doctors and even some Specialists aren’t up to date with the latest research on PCOS. So make sure you choose your support team careful with those who you feel validated and seen by!

    If you have enjoyed learning about PCOS, please comment below and give me a follow on my Instagram where I share more education and tips on managing your PCOS!

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog