Hi THERE ! I'm Lesley O'Connor

Your Fertility Naturopath in Brisbane

Looking for a Fertility Naturopath in Brisbane? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I help women establish a regular cycle, and ovulate sooner with a Naturopathic approach to Women’s Health and your fertility.

Find the best prenatal for getting pregnant with PCOS!

Discover my top 3 key ingredients that every women with PCOS should have in their prenatal vitamin! Download this guide to ensure you have a prenatal that is suitable for those with PCOS.

I can help you with your fertility today.

There are a number of ways we can work together! Check them out below.

Fertility Naturopath

I want individualised help to enhance my fertility

The Enhance your Fertility Package is perfect if you want to get pregnant.  It includes 4 naturopathic appointments and more!

Fertility Naturopath


1:1 Naturopathic appointments are excellent for Women’s Health concerns like Hypothalamic Amenorhea and PCOS

Fertility Naturopath

I want to improve my hormone health and feel like myself again

The Well Woman Package is for you if you need longer-term support for PMDD, endometriosis, menstrual migraine, and weight loss.

Discover your PCOS Type

I’m a Fertility Naturopath in Brisbane and will help you find the root cause of your PCOS. Once you know the driving factors of your PCOS it’s so much easier to manage your symptoms so you can can reduce your cycle length, start ovulating sooner, and feel more confident in your bodies ability to get pregnant.

Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

Wonen's Health Package

Need help to improve the symptoms of your PCOS, PMDD, Endometriosis, Menstrual Migraines or other conditions common to women? This package includes 3 appointments to get you feeling well again. If you’re sick of suffering each month click the link below to find out more about this package.

"Lesley helped me with my irregular cycle, hormonal breakouts and unbearable cramps."

Lesley has greatly improved my quality of life. She has a wealth of naturopathic knowledge and the ability to empathically explain the inner workings of your body. She’s a natural listener who takes time in her day to hear your body’s needs, and researches and recommends the best course of action. Lesley helped me with my irregular cycle, hormonal breakouts and unbearable cramps. I didn’t feel comfortable with my Doctor prescribing birth control to manage symptoms, and Lesley helped balance my hormone levels naturally. Regaining control over my body and having Lesley’s breadth of knowledge and consistent support is priceless.


Naturopath Consultations

Let's work together on your health

Lost your cycle due to hypothalamic amenorrhea or PCOS? Well you’re in the right place if you want to balance your hormones to have a regular menstrual cycle and know how to eat to fuel your body and then book in for a 1:1 consultation and start feeling better today! In a one to one Naturopathic Consultation we identify the main contributing factors of your case and make an individual achievable plan to improve your hormones and your health.

Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

Meet your Fertility Naturopath

Hello, I'm Lesley O'Connor!

I’m a Women’s Health and Fertility Naturopath in Brisbane. I help people with their fertility, whether that is getting their cycle back from hypothalamic amenorrhea or falling pregnant naturally with PCOS, or with the help of ovulation induction and IVF.

Many people need help with their fertility, together we can overcome fertility issues such as Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, PCOS, Endometriosis, or even Unexplained Fertility. Perhaps you’ve had all the tests under the sun and been sent away because the tests all came back ‘within range’, even though you’re still don’t have a regular cycle?

I made it my mission to educate myself about fertility, so I could pass this knowledge onto you, so that you can feel confident that your health is in the right hands. Together we can work towards improving your fertility to get your cycle back and start ovulating.

Fertility Naturopath Packages

Enhance Your Fertility​

This package is perfect for you if you thinking about trying to conceive within the next 12 months, or have been trying unsuccessfully for several months. If you want to reduce the time it takes to get pregnant, have a smoother journey to pregnancy with less stress, and want individualised support for your fertility needs, this is the package for you.

Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath