• My Top 3 Fertility Tips For Getting Pregnant

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    Here are my top 3 fertility tips for getting pregnant and staying pregnant. Firstly purchase a good quality prenatal supplement that contains methylated folate and not folic acid. Having enough folate during preconception and pregnancy can help improve your fertility..

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  • Top Tips for Using Flax Seeds to Improve PCOS Symptoms

    Struggling with your PCOS symptoms? Irregular menstrual cycle, weight gain, low energy, and unwanted hair growth? Well, here are my top tips for using flax seeds to improve your PCOS symptoms. Why flax seeds you ask? Well, they’re one of the leading functional foods for hormone health! They’ve been shown to help people with PCOS, […]

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  • How To Ask Your Doctor for Hormone Tests

    Fertility Blood Tests

    Let’s talk about how to ask your doctor for fertility blood tests!

    A lot of women have trouble communicating with their doctor. You go in with expectations that they’re going give you the answers about what’s causing your symptoms, yet you can leave feeling rather deflated..and sometimes gaslighted! Having effective communication is key, so I’m going to share with you my top tips on how to ask your doctor for tests. First I want to address that I can never promise that your doctor will actually run all the required tests, but these tips will give you a better chance!

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  • 4 Causes of Infertility You Can Investigate From a Fertility Naturopath

    Common Causes of Infertility

    What are some causes of infertility that you can investigate? If you’ve experienced infertility, you know the struggle. You have probably had the thought ‘how the hell does any one get pregnant?’. You know that it seems like the hardest thing in the world. And you’re right, getting pregnant is complex. It’s a wonder that all the factors align for people to get pregnant at all…

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  • What’s The Number One Forgotten Fertility Nutrient?

    Fertility Naturopath

    Curious to know the number one forgotten fertility nutrient? Well it’s Iodine! Did you guess it right? Iodine isn’t often talked about so let’s get to know this important nutrient more. Iodine is actually a mineral that is important for your overall health as It helps to regulate the thyroid gland and maintain normal functioning of the pituitary gland, which produces hormones. What you might not know is that it’s essential for..

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  • Your Guide on How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    Your Guide on How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

    As a woman, you know the importance of progesterone. It’s often called the “pregnancy hormone” because it’s required for optimal fertility and helps to maintain a healthy pregnancy. What you may not know is that low levels of progesterone can also cause symptoms like an irregular periods, PMS, and PMDD. Luckily, there are some simple ways to increase your progesterone naturally.

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  • The Top 5 Pillars of Hormone Health

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

    With the increasing number of hormone imbalances such as PCOS, hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Premature Ovarian insufficiency, and PMS and PMDD, It’s important to understand what influences your hormone health. Today, I’m going to tell you about 5 pillars of hormone health, which will ultimately give you to tools to be able to change your hormone health in a positive way. 

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