Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath

My Top 3 Fertility Tips

Here are my top 3 fertility tips for getting pregnant and staying pregnant. 

Top Fertility Tip number 1

Purchase a good quality prenatal supplement that contains methylated folate and not folic acid. Having enough folate during preconception and pregnancy can help improve your fertility, improve egg quality which can protect against recurrent miscarriage, and reduce the occurrence of preeclampsia and neural tube defects.

There are two sources of folate that are the best during preconception and pregnancy:

  1. 1. Food sources
  2. 2. Methyl-folate (preactivated folate)

What’s not a good form?

Folic Acid is a cheap form of folate that is found in most prenatal supplements such as Elevit, Blackmores, and Natalis. If you use any of these prenatal then they contain folic acid. If you want to read more about this then read my blog on: Is Elevit a good prenatal?

Looking for a good quality prenatan? Try Naturobest’s Prenatal for Women. Looking for a men’s prenatal? Try Naturobest’s Prenatal for Men.

Top Fertility Tip number 2

Check your micronutrient stores at least 3 months before you start trying to conceive. This include micronutrients that are important for your fertility, hormone health, plus also the way your body functions i.e. thyroid health. 

These includes the following important vitamins and minerals:

  • – Iodine
  • – Vitamin D
  • – B12
  • – Folate
  • – Zinc
  • – Copper
  • – Selenium
  • – Iron

Some of these nutrients aren’t regularly checked by your GP in the preconception phase, this is why it’s important to work with a Fertility Naturopath!

Top Fertility Tip number 3

My last top fertility tip is to start tracking your basal body temperature (BBT). Tracking your BBT provides such you SO much valuable information like:

  • – Length of your two phases menstrual phases
  • – Confirms that you ovulate
  • – Indication of your progesterone status
  • – Thyroid function, as an under-function thyroid can contribute to infertility
  • – It can also be used to detect pregnancy too

You can either use Tempdrop or a ovulation thermeter! Here are the pros and cons of each

Tempdrop: Costs more at $199 USD, needs to be ordered online but much easier to use long-term as it measures your basal tempreture throughout the night 

Ovulation thermometer: Much more economial at $20 from most local chemists, to get a accurate tempreature there are more steps involved than the tempdrop, such as needing to get up at the same time every day and waiting 5-10 minutes to get an accurate reading!

I always suggest starting to tracking your cervical mucus and BBT together. Cervucal mucus indicates you’re coming up to ovulation, and a sustained increase in BBT can help you confirm ovulation. I suggest doing this for 3 cycles so we can see patterns for your individual health and fertility!

If you found this blog helpful then let me know in the comments below! If you need more help with your fertility then book in for a consultation today.

Need help choosing the best Naturopath prenatal Supplement for PCOS?

Download my 20 page guide that gives the 3 key ingredients that I look for in a prenatal for those with PCOS! I also give you step by-step instructions to ensure you know how much folate your prenatal contains.

Download today!

How to Choose the Best Prenatal for PCOS
Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog