Trying to Conceive

  • What to Eat for a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

    What to eat for a frozen embryo transfer? So you’re planning a frozen embryo transfer and want to give yourself the best chance of getting pregnant. You might be wondering if there are any foods can best support your body? Is there a diet that could improve my uterine lining or progesterone? Well, there are a few different strategies I implement with my clients depending on their health history. 

    History of a Thin Endometrial Lining

    Having a endometrial lining close to 11mm results in the highest pregnancy rates. I’ll often recommend consuming nitric oxide promoting food as they play a vital role in improving uterine blood flow and may indirectly assist in achieving the optimal lining thickness needed for successful implantation

    From cycle day 1 until a transfer aim to include the following foods in your diet daily:

    • – Beetroot: High in nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide.
    • Leafy Greens: Spinach, arugula, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent sources of dietary nitrates which convert to nitric oxide.
    • – Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and mandarins are rich in vitamin C, which helps stabilise nitric oxide in the body.
    • – Garlic: Contains compounds that enhance nitric oxide production.
    • – Pomegranate: Packed with antioxidants that support nitric oxide activity.
    • – Nuts and Seeds: Particularly walnuts and flaxseeds, for their arginine content, an amino acid used to make nitric oxide.
    • – Watermelon: Contains citrulline, which converts into arginine and subsequently nitric oxide.
    What to eat for a frozen embryo transfer


    Those with endometriosis can have dysbiosis (an imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria) within the endometrial lining, higher levels of immune dysfunction, and oestrogen dominance. All of these factors can affect implantation of an embryo. Leading up to a frozen embryo transfer and throughout the two week wait, I’ll recommend women eat fermented foods, anti-oxidant rich foods, and prebiotics. These foods can help support the reproductive microbiome, modulate the immune system and help with oestrogen detoxification to help you get pregnant. Examples include: 

    • Fermented Foods: Yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, miso, kombucha
    • – Antioxidants: Berries, green tea (caffeine free), dark chocolate, nuts, spinach, turmeric
    • – Prebiotics: Garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, bananas, whole grains

    Low progesterone

    Many carotenoids (e.g., beta-carotene) are converted into vitamin A in the body, which can play a supportive role in progesterone production and progesterone receptor function. Adequate vitamin A is essential for progesterone secretion. If there are high levels of inflammation in the body this can also impair progesterone receptor sensitivity and signalling. Carotenoids have anti-inflammatory properties. Leading up to an frozen embryo transfer I recommend client eat the following foods:  

    • – Orange and Red: Carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, capsicum, tomatoes, mango, papaya, rockmelon, apricots.
    • – Green: Spinach, kale, broccoli, peas, cos lettuce, green beans, capsicum, kiwifruit.
    • – Yellow: Yellow capsicum, golden beetroots, spaghetti squash.

    Now you know what to eat for a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

    Now you know what to eat for a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). If you know someone who would benefit from having this information then I’d greatly appreciate you share this blog with them!

    Looking for a 7-day meal plan to support you through your IVF STIM cycle? Take a look here.

    If you need help with your fertility then you can book in for my most popular service, Enhance your Fertility Package. If you have any questions please contact me here.

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • Top 4 Fertility Benefits of Inositol for PCOS 

    Fertility Benefits of Inositol for PCOS

    Top 4 Fertility Benefits of Inositol for PCOS

    Wondering what the top 4 fertility benefits of inositol for PCOS are? Here I talk about the 4 key benefits and how they can help you improve your fertility, getting pregnant, and staying pregnant with PCOS.

    What is inositol?

    Inositol is found naturally in foods, but it most commonly used as a supplement by women with PCOS.  It is also referred to as vitamin B8, although it is not actually a vitamin. Inositol is a type of ‘sugar’ that influences the way the body uses insulin and hormones released from thyroid and adrenal glands. It is also an antioxidant that can help improve egg quality which is important when you are trying to get pregnant.

    Inositol metabolism has been found to be impaired in women with PCOS. This means that taking an inositol supplement can improve metabolic and hormonal markers of PCOS. Studies confirm inositol’s positive affects on the menstrual cycle because it helps to decreases levels of insulin and androgens (free testosterone), and significantly improves the rate of ovulation, egg quality, and pregnancy!

    So what are the top 4 fertility benefits of inositol for PCOS?

    Inositol helps to establish a regular and predictable cycle

    I have prescribed inositol to many of my PCOS clients who are trying to conceive and to establish a regular and predicable cycle. I’ve seen it work quickly, taking a 60+ day cycle to less than 35 days long! This is because inositol helps to address the two common causes of PCOS. That is insulin resistance and high free testosterone levels. Inositol helps improve both insulin sensitivity and reduce free testosterone levels, and regulate your menstrual cycle!

    Inositol helps to promote ovulation

    Women with PCOS commonly don’t ovulate. You need to ovulate (and have good quality eggs) to get pregnant. One study showed that over 60% of women with PCOS started ovulating again and 37% became pregnant after using 4 grams of inositol each day over 3 months. This happens because inositol helps balance hormones and improves ovarian activity!

    In addition to this, women with PCOS commonly use medications, such as clomid, to induce ovulation. Around 25% of percentage of women don’t response well to clomid and therefore don’t ovulate. This can be really difficult mentally. Using inositol along with ovulation inductions medication increases successful ovulation & pregnancy rates!

    Inositol helps to improve egg quality

    PCOS can negatively impact your egg quality. This is because there tends to be more inflammation within the ovaries where the eggs mature. This compromises the quality of the developing eggs. This can affect hormones like progesterone which is required to sustain a pregnancy, and also mean that the DNA stored within the egg isn’t able to keep replicating which can result in a chemical pregnancy.

    Inositol is specific for ovarian response & egg quality in women with PCOS. Moreover, inositol supplementation is also useful for women undergoing assisted reproductive technologies, by improving egg and embryo quality. 

    Inositol Reduces miscarriage rate in women with abnormal glycemic control (ie insulin resistance)

    Around 70% if women with PCOS have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance means that the amount of glucose and insulin in the blood can be higher than normal. This is a big contributing factor to miscarriages. One study found that supplementing with inositol reduced miscarriages by 27% in women with PCOS who were using assisted reproductive technologies such as ovulation induction, IVF with or without sperm injection (ICSI).

    Know to know more about the inositol?

    • – Inositol is more effective than metformin in normal weight women
    • – It can be used as an alternative treatment to metformin with ovulation induction
    • – Typically a dose is between 4 to 12 grams per day.
    • Inositol is safe to consume, but if you take too high dose then it can cause some digestive upset (this is how you know you need to reduce your dose).

    Over all inositol has several fertility benefits for women with PCOS. It helps to address almost every key element of how PCOS can inhibit a women’s fertility. If you’re interested to see if inositol works for you, check out Naturobest’s Cycle and Skin support from my online store.

    If you’re ready to improve your fertility then book in for an appointment today! Not ready for that yet? That’s okay! You can read more about how a Fertility Naturopath can help you get pregnant and purchase my Optimal Hormone Pathology Cheat Sheet so you can learn more about your hormone imbalances.

    Need help choosing the best Naturopath prenatal Supplement for PCOS?

    Download my 20 page guide that gives the 3 key ingredients that I look for in a prenatal for those with PCOS! I also give you step by-step instructions to ensure you know how much folate your prenatal contains.

    Download today!

    How to Choose the Best Prenatal for PCOS
    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog
  • Busting PCOS Myths with Naturopath Lesley O’Connor 

    Fertility Naturopath

    Busting PCOS Myths with Naturopath Lesley O’Connor 

    Today I’m busting 3 PCOS myths. There is a lot of misinformation about PCOS out there that can be so tramatising to so many women! Here are 3 common PCOS myths I frequently hear that are actually not true! It’s harmful that these incorrect stories keep getting peddled around and can impact the mental health of women with PCOS. If you’re feeling confused about PCOS when keep reading and I hope you learn 3 facts about PCOS!

    Busting PCOS Myth 1

    Busting PCOS Myth 1: We don’t know what causes PCOS

    PCOS Fact 1: Research shows that guth health play a significant role in the underlying factors that drive PCOS

    Gut Health plays a central and essential role in regulating metabolism (blood sugar and insulin), nutritional status, hormone balance, appetite, and inflammation. Multiple studies have shown that women with PCOS have significantly lower microbial diversity, an altered composition of microbes and intestinal permeability. 

    Research now also shows that dysbiosis and intestinal permeability play a significant role in the underlying factors that drive PCOS (insulin resistance, high androgen levels, and chronic inflammation).

    In clinical practice, most of the women I help with PCOS have under functioning digestive systems. This can look like burping, bloating, irregular bowel habits, constipation, and stomach pain. Luckily there is plently we can do help improve your gut health.

    Busting PCOS Myth 2

    PCOS Myth 2: There is no treatment for PCOS

    PCOS Fact 2: Nutrition, lifestyle, and herbal medicine can put PCOS into remission. 

    For every underlying factor of PCOS natural medicine has a tool that can help!

    Some of the most common tools are:

    • – Herbal Medicine
    • – Lifestyle medicine such as stress reduction, and physical activity
    • – Nutritional Medicine including nutrition interventions and supplementations such as inositol

    Here are a few examples:


    • – Can improve both insulin sensitivity and free testosterone levels, improves ovarian activity and regulates menstrual cycles
    • – In women with PCOS who weren’t ovulating, over 60% of women started ovulating again and 37% became pregnant after using 4 grams of myo-inositol each day over 3 months.
    • – Myo-inositol increased pregnancy in infertile women using ovulation induction (such as clomid and letrazole)


    • – Has less side affects than metformin with a similar outcome 
    • – 1.5 grams daily taken over 6 months, significantly improved women having a regular cycle and inducing ovulation when compared with placebo.
    • – 1.5 grams of cinnamon showed improved antioxidant status and cholesterol profile which are benefical for women with PCOS
    Busting PCOS Myths

    Busting PCOS Myth 3

    PCOS Myth 3: You won’t be able to get pregnant with PCOS

    PCOS Fact 3: The path to pregnancy with PCOS can look a little different 

    I hear frequently from women with PCOS that they’ve been told they won’t be able to get pregnant, which is honestly heart breaking to hear. It’s also completely incorrect! Rather, we should acknowledge that the path to pregnancy with PCOS can look a little different that the ‘norm’. 

    Getting pregnant with PCOS is covered in my soon-to-be-released program: The PCOS Preconception Protocol! If you’re someone who needs help and wants to conveieve naturally then this is the program for you! 

    In this program we conduct a proper assessment of the driving factors of your PCOS so you can start ovulating sooner! We also cover how to improve your gut health, have more energy, and less acne all in a safe and supportive space.

    If you’re ready to feel confident in your body’s ability to have a baby then join the waitlist today!

    Thanks for reading this blog! If learnt something new from this blog then let me know in the comments below!

    Lesley O'Connor Fertility Naturopath Blog